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Physics, INFN awards the best doctoral theses of 2021

Eleven researchers have been awarded prizes by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) for the best doctoral theses in physics of 2021. The prizes, named in honour of distinguished Italian physicists, have been awarded in the five INFN’s research areas and for research and development in the field of computing:

– the Marcello Conversi Prize in subnuclear physics has been awarded to Federica Oliva, University of Salento, and Tommaso Pajero, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa;

– the Bruno Rossi Prize for the best doctoral theses in astroparticle physics has been awarded to Valentina Dompè and Ambra Mariani, Gran Sasso Science Institute;

– the Claudio Villi Prize in nuclear physics has been awarded to Eugenia Naselli, University of Catania, and Giorgia Pasqualato, University of Padova;

the Sergio Fubini Prize in theoretical physics has been awarded to Matteo Maria Maglio, University of Salento, and Simone Rodini, University of Pavia;

– the Francesco Resmini Prize in the field of accelerator physics and new technologies has been awarded to Pietro Carra, University of Pisa, and Gemma Costa, Sapienza University of Rome;

– the Giulia Vita Finzi Prize in computing and networks has been awarded to Matteo Barbetti, University of Florence.

The prizes, worth 2,000 euro each, were awarded by the five INFN National Scientific Commissions and by the INFN Computing and Networks Commission.