ASI, “Recent observations of the near-Earth radiation environment: a plethora of galactic, solar and magnetospheric particles” webinar
On 22 November 2024, at 3:00pm, Dr. Francesco Palma (INFN – “Tor Vergata” Rome Section, Italy) will hold the webinar on “Recent observations of the near-Earth radiation environment: a plethora of galactic, solar and magnetospheric particles”. This is one of the events of the cycle of highly scientific webinars called “The Monthly Research Colloquia of ASI” (MoRe-ASI) organized by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) hosting keynote speakers from national and international prestigious research institutes and universities.
These online meetings aim at updating the scientific national and international communities on research being conducted in all fields of Space Science: from space astrophysics to high-energy astrophysics, from cosmology to astrobiology, from heliophysics to planetary and exoplanetary sciences.
With these seminars ASI aims also to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration across teams and within the scientific communities at large.
Further information as well as the link to join are available here.