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All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance: the European Commission opens a new call for proposals

As part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, the European Commission has published a new call for proposals for a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that will support the implementation of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance and its political Declaration, signed in July 2022 in Washington DC.

The All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) initiative, led by the European Union, aims to enhance marine research and ocean science cooperation among Atlantic partner countries.

In this context, the EU – together with Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Cabo Verde, Morocco, South Africa and the United States – agreed on a common path that culminated in the signing of the Declaration, aimed at tackling the most pressing climate, food and ocean challenges, including extreme events and sea level rise.

Specifically, the selected Action will support the coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities with the stakeholders, integrating the North and South Atlantic dimension. The CSA will also support the integration of new partners in the Alliance as well as the linkages with other relevant programmes.

The initiative includes a compulsory international cooperation component, by encouraging applicants to include in the consortium participants from countries endorsing the All-Atlantic Declaration.

The call, which has a budget of 4 million euros, is open for applications until 21 September 2023. More information and the application procedure can be found on the Funding and Tenders portal.

All-Atlantic Alliance website

Ministry of University
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