In order to support the activities of the EU’s Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, the European Commission has recently launched a new portal, hosted by the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT).
The website was jointly developed with the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt) team.
The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change aims to support regions and communities in better understanding, preparing to and managing climate change risks, as well as developing innovative solutions to build resilience. The Portal provides information about the Mission and latest developments regarding its delivery.
The most important features include the Regional Adaptation Support Tool (RAST), which will allow regional and local authorities that are participating as Charter Signatories to get practical information for each step of developing their climate change adaptation plans; the Adaptation Dashboard, which provides easy access to relevant data on specific risks and vulnerabilities that competent authorities need to address; the Community of Practice area, which provides technical assistance about developing and funding planning processes and demonstration projects as well as mobilizing and engaging citizens and stakeholders.