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Italy-Germany research cooperation, MAECI opens new call for proposals

A new call for joint research project proposals for science and technology cooperation between Italy and Germany for the period 2023-2025 has been published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

The objective of the call is to facilitate the access of Italian researchers tolarge infrastructures and research centres located in Germany which provide enabling and unique science or technology facilities unavailable or absent in Italy. These include the European XFEL, FAIR-GSI, DFKI, MPI-IPP, EMBL or similar facilities. All projects must run for two years.

The call is open to public research institutions only. Principal Investigators (PIs) are responsible for the preparation, conduct and management of the projects. Each proposal must be jointly developed by an Italian and a German PI and submitted by the Italian Principal Investigator exclusively online, by completing the dedicated form, to this link. The deadline for submissions is 17:00, 8 September 2023. Each PI can submit only one proposal.

After an eligibility check, all proposals will be assessed by experts selected by the MAECI. The evaluation will take into account the scientific relevance of the project, the methodology and documentation submitted, the qualification and expertise of the research team, the added value of the bilateral cooperation, the presence of early career researchers and gender balance, the exploitation and dissemination of the results as well as budget adequacy.

Link to the call