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National Antarctic Research Programme, call for journalists published

The National Research Council (CNR) has published a call intended for journalists as part of the National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA). The call consists of two lines.

The first line involves the participation of a journalist, and, if applicable, a cameraman, in the XXXVIII Italian expedition to the white continent which will take place from October 2022 to February 2023. The journalist’s task will be to witness and report, on the various media platforms (press, radio, television, websites and social networks), on Italy’s presence and research activities in Antarctica.

The journalist and the cameraman will join the PNRA in Christchurch, New Zealand, and will be hosted: for 15 days in the period October/November 2022 at the Mario Zucchelli and Concordia stations; for 30-40 days in January 2023 on the icebreaker Laura Bassi.

The proposals must include a binding reporting plan describing all the media in which the reporting will appear and indicating the journalist’s commitment to publishing articles and reports on the activities in Antarctica but also on the preparatory and follow-up phases of the expedition.

The second line involves the submission of proposals for the implementation of major communication projects to promote the scientific research activities in Antarctica and offer the opportunity to improve one’s knowledge of the polar area.

Project proposals for one or both lines can be submitted by 12:00 noon of 1 August 2022. The applications received will be evaluated by a PNRA committee based on the criteria specified in the call for proposals.

Since 1985, the PNRA has been promoting and supporting national research in Antarctica, ensuring the maintenance of adequate research infrastructure and the funding of activities selected through competitive calls. The Programme, managed by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), involves the CNR, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) and the National Scientific Committee for Antarctica (CSNA) based at the Ministry, each with their own roles and tasks.

Link to the call (ITA)